Hello there, and welcome to Buxzle!
First of all, allow me to introduce myself; my name is Austin, and I'm from New Zealand. I'm the creator of Buxzle.
Our goal is to archive simpleness, uniqueness, but still feature rich paid-to-click service.
The first phase
Buxzle is in it's first phase (pre-launch/beta phase if you will), and that means that features like renting referrals, clicking advertisements etc. is
disabled. Please note, that
we will enable all of these features once we launch fully. Although, be aware that you'll still be able to upgrade your membership as well as use many of the other available sites/features.
By joining us in this phase, you'll receive a special membership called Pioneer. This membership is only available to members who join in this phase. Please note, that the Pioneer membership is permanent.
The reason we have decided to open Buxzle in this phase, is to test that everything working proy. Our focus is that everything is working as it should. Over the next
few weeks, you'll see even more features to be added. More news regarding this, later on. You'll also see competitions popping up soon.
As said, you are able to upgrade your account already, and to celebrate the launch of Buxzle, we're offering a $10 discount on our Pro upgrade.
Also please note, that you will be able to refer referrals already! You can find your referral link
here as well as our banners. The direct referral limit for Pioneer members is 80 and 160 for Pro members.
If you find any bugs or simply just have doubts, be sure to contact us! You can find the contact link at the footer.
I hope you'll all enjoy being a member of Buxzle!